Return & Refund Policy

Your satisfaction is our number one goal. 

If for any reason in the first 60 days you're not satisfied with any of our products we highly recommend to contact our friendliest customer service team via our contact us form and they will be able to offer a resolution that works for you. We're only a message away if you ever need us.

Please note that if an item arrived damaged, has missing parts, doesn't fit or if you have received the wrong item, we'll send you a new item right away at no additional cost, without asking for a return of the faulty or wrong item.


Should you wish to cancel your order please contact as soon as possible at

Amend Your Order 

If you'd like to add product(s) to your order, change details of your shipping address, remove items from your order or cancel it completely, please email our customer service team at as soon as possible. Please have your order number ready to quote where possible.

If your order has already left our warehouse for delivery to you, unfortunately we can’t amend the order.

For any questions or to report an issue with your order please contact us HERE.